Kelli Kuras earned $3,655 working for Wayne-Westland Community Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 11th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
46.5 percent of economically disadvantaged students in Michigan Virtual Charter Academy were academically ready for evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the district.
Angela Beeney made $7,367 in 2018 working as a public employee in Wayne County, placing the worker in the 18th percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Jennifer Villar earned $3,536 working for Plymouth-Canton Community School District in 2018, putting the employee in the 11th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Claudia Turnquist earned $3,489 working for Plymouth-Canton Community School District in 2018, putting the employee in the 11th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Jamie Paul earned $3,541 working for Wayne-Westland Community Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 11th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Hispanic students at Clarenceville High School scored 909 on average in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the school.
27.8 percent of economically disadvantaged students in Northview Public Schools were ready for math in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the district.
Andrew Szuma made $16,517 in 2018 working as a public employee in Wayne County, placing the worker in the 33rd percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
There were 274 finance and insurance businesses in Macomb County zip codes that had between five and nine employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Eric Pudas made $52,061 in 2018 working as a public employee at Livonia Public Schools, ranking the worker in the 67th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Peter Rathburn made $85,753 in 2018 working as a public employee at Livonia Public Schools, ranking the worker in the 93rd percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
David A. Deckard earned $55,744 during 2019 working at the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Hawthorn Center as a maintenance mechanic.
Gisele Jonas earned $3,544 working for Northville Public Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 11th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.